Thursday, 23 July 2015

Airfix Wish-List

The new range of Airfix products coming out is hugely exciting. When they announce that their catalogue for the next year is being released I am always itching to get on and find out what they have in the pipeline for the next year. However there are a few things which they haven't got round to doing yet which I would love to see them re-tool from older releases.

Because I have a huge interest in the Battle of Britain I would like Airfix to produce some of the light bombers that are often overshadowed and forgotten in the conflict, to complete the collection. They need to do re-tools of the Hampden and the Fairey Battle, with hopefully decal options for the bombing of the French Channel Ports that occurred through the Summer and Autumn of 1940 as the RAF desperately tried to impede the German invasion fleet wherever they could.

Staying on the Battle of Britain theme, but from the German side, the Junkers JU-88 needs desperate re-tooling, With recent new tools for the ME109, Dornier Do17z, Heinkel HE-111 P2 and the JU87 Stuka, the only thing left for them to do is the JU-88, and I am surprised they didn't do it for this year considering it is the 75th Anniversary of the battle. I hope it is something they look to do in the future.

I know some say that Airfix have done the Spitfire to death and they should back away, but I would like to see new tools for the Vb and IXc come out, as these versions are equal in popularity as the Ia. I'm sure these will be done at some point but whether they consider it a priority I do not know. With the basis for them already in the I/Ia/II kits it wouldn't take much to make another version.

Since the ME109-E4 got retooled, the BF109G is also in need of a retool. The old version is seriously lacking, and as one of the main fighters of the Second World War, especially the war against the bombers, Airfix should be looking at doing this pronto. With enough versions kicking around airfields and museums in the UK and Europe there shouldn't be a problem with Airfix bringing their new scanners in to get an up to date kit made up.

Staying on the bomber theme, I would like to see a B17G 'Flying Fortress' made up. With the amazing job Airfix have done doing new tools for the Lancaster, C-47 and the upcoming Heinkel, Whitley and Shackleton, I get excited with the thought of what a new B17 would look like! A definite must have and hope it is done soon!

The Mosquito is another aircraft that looks simply beautiful, and with the success Airfix had with the 1:24 version, I am waiting for them to do a re-tool for the 1:72 and 1:48 versions. I would love to see this done soon as it is such a fantastic aircraft, especially in its appearance and the old versions certainly do not do it enough justice!

Last year's 1:72 and 1:24 models of the Hawker Typhoon were also absolutely fantastic, I hope to get the chance to build the 1:24 version one day! However they are missing a model in 1:48, and with Airfix supposedly looking more into this scale and the lack of versions in this scale on the market (Italeri being the best out there at the moment), I would love to see the trio of scales completed. If the 1:48 version was a halfway house on detail between the 1:72 and 1:24 version then this could potentially be one of the best 1:48 scale aircraft that is out there. Please look into it!

An ME262 would also be a good one to re-tool. Being the first jet fighter of its kind and the roll it played in the German home defence campaign, I think a new tool for this then ground-breaking plane would be marvellous and I would snap one up straight away if it became available!

This last one is probably the least likely to get done but a wish for one can still be made; HMS Queen Elizabeth in 1:350. Yes, this model would be huge, but with HMS Illustrious and HMS Daring being done, it would be great to see this mammoth ship also done in the same scale. However I feel that this is a long shot at best, and even if it was done, we may have to wait several years to see it!

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