Thursday, 23 July 2015

Welcome to scottislesmodelreview!!

Hello and thank you for looking at my blog!

So why scale model reviews?

I have always held an interest in war-era aircraft ever since I was a little boy, Spitfires fascinated me and I remember that every time I would stay at my Nan and Grandad's I would ask them to take me to the Spitfire and Hurricane Museum over at Manston airport, along with any local airshows that were going on. I loved playing with toy planes as a child and this soon turned to having model aircraft hanging on my ceiling that my Dad would make for me after work.

When I was about 9/10 years old I was finally allowed to start having a go at making models myself and I had a group of mates at the time who were also interested in doing it. I built all sorts of models in all sorts of different scales from the age of 9 until about the age of 12/13. The demands of exams at school and college made me put my scalpel and my tiny enamel pots down for a few years but in the Summer of 2012 I got back into the hobby that I love getting lost in. Since then I have been indulging in all of the great new tooled kits that Airfix have been releasing (with the odd Revell and Tamiya creeping in!), whilst also browsing forums such as the Airfix Tribute Forum and Britmodeller for reviews and construction tips.

However recently I have found that there aren't as many reviews going up for new models coming out, and forums really aren't my thing so I thought I would make a blog which will feature in-box reviews of new kits, as well as build threads to show how kits go together and what I used to give them the desired look I wanted. I'm not the best modeller out there by any means and I'm hoping that I can be given lots of tips and ideas as I go along by members of the internet out there! This blog will enable me to write model reviews, which is something I have wanted to do for a while, but also gives me a chance to bring my historical interests in, as well as acting as an online reference that I can always refer to for future builds of mine! If it is able to help anyone at the same time then it is a bonus and any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Most of the builds and reviews on here will be for Airfix because I am very impressed by their build quality nowadays as well as the wide range of models they're bringing out. I personally am a great fan of the Battle of Britain and the D-Day eras of World War Two so most of the models I purchase are to do with one of these periods, but not always exclusive to!

Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoy what I post up in the future!


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